Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Beam Complex: Emphasis Ankle/Arch Development and Lower Leg Toning/Muscular Endurance

As always, emphasize proper alignment, strong posture, and presentation. Athletes should remain in relevé throughout the complex, there should be no "rest waiting" or breaks in the complex. Create rhythm and flow within the complex. Demand excellence.

Foot Warm-up:
Toe Scrunch walks (5 feet): movement across floor by using the scrunching and relaxation of toes. Aids in injury prevention (strengthening) and development of the muscles that contribute to the arch of the foot.
Tennis/LAX ball: roll out arches of foot.

Foot Warm-up:
1) Stand facing beam, feet together, resting hands on beam for slight support
3)Bend knees(forced arch, press anterior of ankle forward)
4)Return to flat foot (knees still bent)
5) Stand and straighten legs
Repeat 10x (choice to hold each position or move through), then reverse (bend legs, force arch, relevé, stand)

Movement Complex:
EVERY pass should be completed with a tight, crisp, step+lock+pivot in a HIGH, LOCKED relevé. In replacement of a pivot turn, coaches can assign a "turn of the day" to be complete after each pass before returning to a relevé hold (i.e, squat turn, snap turn, 1/2 turn, fouetté turn, "level 4/5" compulsory choreography turn, etc) Gymnasts should hold this relevé until the next pass begins, all passes should be completed in the highest, locked relevé when applicable, unless otherwise noted.

  1. Toe, Ball, Heel walks (x2)
  2. Relevé FWD
  3. Relevé BWD 
  4. Step lock & hold (3 seconds) FWD
  5. Step lock & hold (3 seconds) BWD
  6. 3 steps relevé FWD, prepare, 5 forced arch pops
  7. Relevé SIDE (x2)
  8. Step together & hold (3 seconds) SIDE (x2) 
  9. Bunny hops FWD
  10. Bunny hops BWD
  11. Bunny hops SIDE (x2)
  12. Beat jumps FWD
  13. Beat jumps BWD 
  14. Kick FWD and Lock
  15. Kick BWD and Lock 
  16. Kick SIDE and Lock 
  17. Coupé walk
  18. 3 steps coupé walk, 10 heel lifts, 10 second balance
  19. Coupé walk-hip turnout return parallel 
  20. Coupé hop
  21. Passé walk 
  22. 3 step Passé walk, 10 heel lifts, 10 second balance
  23. Passé walk-hip turnout return parallel 
  24. Passé hop
  25. Developé walk
  26. 3 step developé walk, 10 heel lifts, 10 second balance
  27. Developé hop
  28. Coupé, Passé, Developé, Rande Jambé to Arabesque FWD, swing thru and step (Flat footed beginner)
  29. Coupé, Passé, Developé BWD Arabesque, "reverse"Rande Jambé and step (flat footed beginner)
  30. Step, lock, pivot pivot (back foot steps and repeat) 
  31. Step, lock, pivot, lock, pivot (front foot steps and repeat) 
  32. Chaine turn 1/2
  33. Chaine turn 1/2, 1/2, 1/1 

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